Le Prix du bonheur (Switzerland)

Le Prix du bonheur

The Price of Happiness
Rodrigo Muñoz
2020, Switzerland, 18′
World premiere
Opening Scenes

Facing exorbitant fees for sessions with his therapist, Rodrigo Muñoz finds a great economical use of resources in this self–dramatization which portrays the account of his depression. In confronting the pecuniary dimension of the day-to-day, Rodrigo ironically seizes upon film as a process of emancipation.

Tom Bidou

Facing exorbitant fees for sessions with his therapist, Rodrigo Muñoz finds a great economical use of resources in this self–dramatization which portrays the account of his depression. In confronting the pecuniary dimension of the day-to-day, Rodrigo ironically seizes upon film as a process of emancipation.

Tom Bidou

Language(s):  French
Subtitles:  English
VdR edition:  2020


Lionel Baier

Sales Contact

Jean-Guillaume Sonnier
