A Thousand-Year Stage (China, United States, Canada)

A Thousand-Year Stage

Qiannian wutai
Daphne Xu
2020, China, United States, Canada, 35′
World premiere
Opening Scenes

On 1st April 2017, China launched the Xiong'an New Area project, intending to turn the region into a new megacity. In recognition of the accelerated urbanisation that has left the rural environment in a vacuum, Daphne Xu invites workers and residents to put on a performance in these non-places, thus dealing with a taboo subject with humour.

Tom Bidou

On 1st April 2017, China launched the Xiong'an New Area project, intending to turn the region into a new megacity. In recognition of the accelerated urbanisation that has left the rural environment in a vacuum, Daphne Xu invites workers and residents to put on a performance in these non-places, thus dealing with a taboo subject with humour.

Tom Bidou

Language(s):  Mandarin Chinese, Chinese Regional Dialects
Subtitles:  English, French
VdR edition:  2020


Daphne Xu

Sales Contact

Tel. +18572879296
