Official Selection

Call for Entries

Deadline : 22 December 2020 for films finished by April 2021

The aim of Visions du Réel, International Film Festival Nyon, is to present films that, through their formal and aesthetic choices, provide personal and singular expressions and descriptions of past, present or future realities, freely interpreting the very definition of non-fiction filmmaking and its implementation.


International Feature Film Competition
Burning Lights International Competition
National Competition
International Medium Length and Short Film Competition
Opening Scenes
Grand Angle

-> More information about the sections


-> English
-> Français




Call for Projects

Deadline : 22 December 2020

We are looking for projects that are presented for the first time at their current stage.

Pitching du Réel

The Pitching du Réel is Visions du Réel’s international co-production forum for creative documentaries intended for theatrical distribution and TV broadcasting. It offers the participants the opportunity to discuss the content and form of their project and to find out which contexts and markets might be the most relevant for it. It encourages international co-productions and helps to finance outstanding film projects addressing an international audience. 

-> More information

Docs in Progress

Docs in Progress, as part of Visions du Réel Industry, presents about eight films in their finishing stage. Through a screening to film professionals exclusively (festival representatives, funds supporting post-production, post-production facilities, distributors, TV buyers, etc.) and through specific individual meetings, the aim of this activity is to allow the projects’ holders to find suitable partners to go into and/or finalise post-production, to look for distribution, festivals, sales, etc.

-> More information

Rough Cut Lab

As part of Visions du Réel Industry, the Rough Cut Lab invites four film teams, with a creative documentary at finishing stage, to present their rough cut to industry professionals in order to get specific feedbacks and advices. The idea is to support filmmakers in the moment of editing. Four rough cuts will be screened and discussed together with a tutor and a moderator, the film team and some selected experts during a working session. 

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-> English


Programming office

Industry office