Of Monkeys and Turtles (Italie, Royaume-Uni)

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Of Monkeys and Turtles

Of monkeys and turtles
Andre Milewski, Catherine Chanoux
2017, Italie, Royaume-Uni, 85′
Première mondiale
Social inclusion of people living with Parkinson's seems like an exotic animal. It's talked about but the engagement does not match governments' commitment to invest in the research around the issue. Meanwhile, a group of people determined to manage their lives independently in spite of obstacles, meet at weekly dance classes to breach the chain of alienation and media's silence. To reach out and improve their quality of life. To cope. The title suggests metaphorically the erratic nature of Parkinson's, the shared experience of people who "come out of their shell" as well as the somewhat surreal nature of medical narrative surrounding the condition: very little is known why the loss of nerve cells associated with Parkinson's disease occurs. The research is ongoing, laboratories are filled with questions. All we hear is some Tchaikovsky in the background. What we see in the end is a child sitting on the floor listening to it. Perhaps the next generation will understand more...
Langue(s):  Anglais
Édition VdR:  2018


Catherine Chanoux
Andre Milewski

Contact de vente

Catherine Chanoux
Tél. +447548235636


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