Athens, for example (Grèce)

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Athens, for example

Athens, for example
Joshua Olsthoorn
2016, Grèce, 69′
Première mondiale
The film starts with a quote from Plato’s Republic. Followed by a shot of people in an Athenian metro station. Then we face a street with barricade tape. A barbed wire fence. Sound of a serene. Three men watch down on the city. A guard surveying barricaded Syntagma square. Police waiting on motorbikes. Empty streets. A fountain. A guard in the night at Syntagma. In a deserted lane a man is imitating a cat. A guardhouse. A car stops and waits. A corner café. Cars. An old lady in the dark. Red light. A blossoming tree. Tourists passing in front of a statue. A women is throwing trash. A man looks in the trash. A cat. A dog runs after a dog. Barricade tape. Riot police. An alarm. A man walks his dog. Protesters. Empty streets. Immigrant with caddie collects iron. Protest songs. Day. A train. Sleeping dog. Building of a stage. Protesters. Night. A political speech. Rain. Women at entrance. A closed bank. Helicopter sounds. Voters. Empty streets. Music. Ohi Day parade. Light. Dark. A window.
Langue(s):  Muet
Édition VdR:  2017


Joshua Olsthoorn

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