Contemporary documentary filmmaking through a selection of original and singular feature films. Only world, international or European premieres are eligible.
An international competition dedicated to new vocabularies and expressions, to research and to narrative and formal experimentation (medium length and feature films).
Only world, international or European premieres are eligible.
A competition dedicated to feature and medium length films (co)produced by Switzerland. Only world, international or European premieres are eligible.
Contemporary documentary filmmaking through a selection of original and singular medium length and short films. Only world, international or European premieres are eligible.
A section dedicated to first short films or student films, presented as world, international or European premieres. The invited filmmakers present their films as part of the Festival’s official selection and participate in the Opening Scenes Lab, a customized programme of industry-related professional activities.
Feature films that have already wowed audiences at other festivals or that will mark the coming year. Presented at least as world, international, European or Swiss premieres.
A non-competitive section (feature films) that aims to reveal a panorama of current documentary practices. Presented at least as world, international, European or Swiss premieres.
Section dedicated to the work of an internationally renown filmmaker, who will be awarded a prize for her/his career. This section includes a retrospective and a masterclass open to the public.
Tributes to renown filmmakers known for their creativity and in-depth research. These consist of retrospectives and masterclasses open to the public.
A selection of films amongst the ones nominated by the seven Doc Alliance festival partners.